Photo, Video, Audio Technology and Accessories Fair
13. 5. — 15. 5. 2025 Event date Tuesday, Wednesday: 10:00–17:00
Thursday: 10:00–16:00
Opening hours PVA EXPO PRAHA, Beranových 667, Praha 9 - Letňany Exposition area

Event detail

Attend the first year of the audiovisual technology fair! You will find the most modern technologies from the world of photography, video and multimedia. By visiting the fair, you will get a great overview of what equipment to buy for a professional studio and for leisure work.



You will be able to view and try the latest cameras including accessories, software and hardware for directing and post-production, control consoles, technologies for virtual and augmented reality, drones, technology for conference rooms, large-area LED panels, quality projectors, scanners, audio technology, light and lighting systems including decorative lighting and mobile phones. The fair will include interesting presentations, expert lectures and interactive workshops.



DIGI ART HUB will take place in conjunction with the REKLAMA POLYGRAF OBALY fair. You only need one ticket to visit both fairs.