Sports Festival
14. 3. — 16. 3. 2025
Event date
Friday and Saturday: 10:00–18:00
Sunday: 10:00–16:00 Opening hours PVA EXPO PRAHA, Beranových 667, Praha 9 - Letňany Exposition area
Sunday: 10:00–16:00 Opening hours PVA EXPO PRAHA, Beranových 667, Praha 9 - Letňany Exposition area

Event detail
SPORT EXPO is a new interactive festival for sports fans. Under the supervision of experts, you will be able to try sports disciplines such as weightlifting, fencing, judo, aerobics, BMX bikes and scooters, disc golf, jumping rope and more. In addition, you can expect performances by majorettes and sled dog sport operators. With one ticket, you can also visit the FOR BIKES cycling fair, which is held concurrently, and the HOLIDAY WORLD & REGION WORLD international travel and regional tourism fair.