e-SALON 2024

Fair of Clean Mobility, Technologies and Solutions for E-mobility
7. 11. — 10. 11. 2024 Event date Thursday (invited only):
Friday, Saturday: 10:00-17:00
Sunday: 10:00-16:00
Opening hours PVA EXPO PRAHA, Beranových 667, Praha 9 - Letňany Exposition area

Event detail

Convince yourself that electromobility is already a reality. Visit the 6th year of the popular fair for clean mobility, technologies and solutions for e-mobility, which will offer the richest display of electric cars, hybrids and other ecological vehicles, as well as an exposition dedicated to recharging technologies. You can look forward to test drives, during which you will be able to try out the latest car models right on the exhibition grounds, to interesting lectures and autograph signings.


Photos from last year: